Optometry Student Challenge

ABB Optical Announces the 10th Annual Optometry Student Challenge

Third and fourth year optometry students are challenged to compete in the ABB Optical 2024 Optometry Student Challenge. A $1500 travel grant to the Global Specialty Lens Symposium (GSLS) will be provided to each of the three top authors to attend GSLS and present their winning posters.

Optometry Student Challenge 2024

Our 2023 Winners 
Riley Parker (Michigan College of Optometry): Correcting Crumby Vision: The Use of Scleral Lenses for Management of Granular Dystrophy; Nhi Nguyen (SCCO): Reclaiming Sight and Confidence: Prosthetic Lenses in Iris Atrophy; Mary Avisado (Pacific University): Reshaping the Future: Soft Contact Lenses Can Induce Orthokeratology-Like Topographical Effects.

Honorable Mentions 
Anastasia Logotheti (New England College of Optometry): From Shadows to Clarity: Confronting Keratoconus and a Prominent Corneal Scar; Gillian Uldrich (Pensylvania College of Optometry-Salus): Unmasking Postsurgical Ectasia in a Pediatric Patient; Pieper Walton (Indiana University School of Optometry): The Relationship Between Corneal Sagittal Depth And Corneal Diameter.


  1. Identify your student-based case report or research study project.
    • Topics are restricted to Contact Lenses and may include (but not limited to) contact lens applications for presbyopia, keratoconus, corneal topography, post penetrating keratoplasty or related irregular corneal surface, myopia control, lens care/solutions, custom soft lenses, ortho-k instrumentation for measurement of the ocular surface and sports/performance vision.
  2. Notify ABB Optical Group of your interest in participating. Registration begins on April 14, 2024 and must be submitted by September 15, 2024.
  3. Submit an abstract on your project by October 14, 2024.
    • Based on the judge's decision, 6 abstracts will be selected and all finalists will be notified by October 23, 2024.
    • Authors of the top 6 abstracts selected will be asked to convert each of their submissions into the required poster PDF format and must submit their posters by November 27, 2024. The 6 finalists will be presenting their posters live via a virtual meeting on December 11, 2024.
    • Of the 6 abstracts, the top 3 will be recognized at the 2025 GSLS held January 15-18, 2025 at the Horseshoe in Las Vegas, NV.
    • Travel grants of $1500 will be provided to attend the symposium, and will cover travel and accommodations.
    • Complimentary registration to the 2025 GSLS will be provided by the meeting.
    • Three authors and their work will be recognized as honorable mention and authors will receive $250 each.


CONDITIONS: Optometry Student Challenge applies only to 3rd and 4th year students and colleges in North America. Challenge begins April 14, 2024 and participants must register no later than September 15, 2024. Abstracts for Optometry Student Challenge will be accepted until October 14, 2024. Final abstract submissions are electronic only-PDF document. Submitted abstracts for the 2024 3rd or 4th Year Optometry Student Challenge will be accepted only through this website. Printed forms or faxed forms will not be accepted. Abstracts are limited to 4,000 characters total (including spaces, punctuation, etc.). Submissions that exceed this limit will not be accepted by the website, but the submitter will immediately be given the opportunity to modify the submission so that it fits within this size limit. Authors are encouraged to keep abstracts succinct. Primary authors will receive immediate confirmation that their abstract was received via an e-mail confirmation sent to the address listed for the communicating author. The submitting author is responsible for assuring that all co-authors have read the final submitted version of the abstract and confirm that they have consented explicitly to including their names in the list of authors. The 6 finalists must submit their posters by November 27, 2024 and be willing to present their poster via a virtual meeting on December 11, 2024.